A Duck That Hisses & Sits In A Tree
Lately, there has been much fascination with the Sandhill Crane migration through the Hiwassee Wildlife Refuge in Birchwood, Tennessee. This annual event, where thousands of cranes pass through the area, is a sight and a joy to watch and photograph. The cranes, with their unique behavior and appearance, have captured the attention of many wildlife enthusiasts.
Let's focus on a unique duck living in Chattanooga, Tennessee. The Muscovy duck is not your typical waterfowl.
It hisses, it sits in trees, and it's truly one-of-a-kind. What sets the Muscovy apart is its independence. Unlike other ducks, the Muscovy’s webbed feet have claws, enabling its tree-sitting ability, a behavior that's both impressive and worthy of respect.
These ducks can grow up to 30 inches long and weigh as much as 15 pounds. Females grow up to be ½ the size of the male Muscovy. Muscovy are the only ducks that have not descended from mallard ducks.
I have fallen in love with the Muscovy duck. From its rough face to its webbed feet with claws, the muscovy is like no other duck.
sfJames PhotoHunter