Capturing Two War Eagles

The Hiwassee Wildlife Refuge in Birchwood, Tennessee, is an extremely popular destination during the Sandhill Crane Migration. The Cranes “flock” to the area, drawing photographers who want a perfect bird photograph. I visited the Refuge on February 13, 2024. There were no Sandhill Cranes, no photographers, no people. I was there, alone, on a perfect morning, a rare and privileged moment, enjoying the serenity of the quiet beauty of the area. The Sandhill Cranes had moved on to continue their migration. It appeared that the photographers did the same.

I was looking over the water from the observation deck. As I looked over the scenery, I saw two Eagles engaged in an awe-inspiring air battle over food in the water. They were practically beyond the reach of my 600 mm lens. Despite the distance, I decided to try to capture the two Eagles in their intense struggle over who would eat and who would not. The shots are not perfect due to the distance, but the beauty and dynamics of the air battle are worth sharing.

At 600 mm, I was astounded by the detail I could capture, considering how far away the two battling eagles were from my vantage point. Therefore, the real challenge was freezing the rapid movements of the two Eagles engaged in their aerial battle. Despite the distance, I managed to capture these War Eagles in a thrilling moment of perfect natural behavior. This experience reaffirmed that in every circumstance, it's crucial to push your limits and seize the moment. Even if the results are not flawless, the memory of capturing something in its natural element is priceless.

Stuart James.


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